Thrills, spills and memory loss

the mess my cake made.

In one of my earlier posts, I mentioned a pair of pretty leaf earrings that I had my eyes on. ‘Buy me! Buy me!’ they were saying. Well, how happy was I when they appeared through our letterbox yesterday? Thank you Isla, you made a northern gal very happy amidst all the housework I was doing! Surprises, I like them a lot.

Yesterday was a productive day. I managed to clean the house, bake a cake, design 3 cards, make the said cards, write some blog posts, and chase a wasp out of the house with my brolly. I know most people do housework without seeing it as an achievement, but I do. I’m 30 and still retreat in disbelief at the amount of ‘work’ involved in keeping a house looking ‘ok’. My mum, bless her anal, OCD and freakishly clean ways, does despair at me. Now that I’m older she doesn’t say anything to my face, she likes to think she respects our different approaches to housework. However I know this isn’t true. No, it’s all in the eyes you see. Those eyes can shame me into puffing up cushions in a mere second.

My mum would weep.

This was my crafting station last night – our bed. I woke up this morning with thread stuck to my face, oh the joy. Anyhoo, these are three cards I made. I’m pleased with them. As you can see I like cutting up books. All in the name of art of course.

3 is the magic number

All wrapped up in cellophane envelopes!

I ordered some mini business cards today from Moo to pop with cards and other things I make. You can create your own designs and are small enough to keep in the weeniest of purses and not impose on people’s memo boards. Hmmm I don’t have the greatest business mind do I? Oh well, I like them, and that’s what matters (plus they’re pretty). I will pop them on here when Mr postman delivers them, how excited am I? I’m also working out what I’m going to sell on Etsy. I’m tempted to sell things I find in markets and antique shops as well as the things I make. I need to keep it simple though. Oh! I have so many ideas. It doesn’t help when you have a memory like a sieve. Note to self, must have note pad on me at all times!

I fear a tea break is in order. Until next time ♥

About Lisa

Blogger, freelance writer and marketing officer for an independent cinema.

2 responses to “Thrills, spills and memory loss

  1. morrisj3

    Hey, I’ve kept back my old 1972 velvet hippy jacket (with embroidery & little mirrors) also my mum’s satin 1960s cocktail dress – thought you could sell them maybe. Let me know. Jenny xx

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